Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Everyone is Fighting a Battle, So Be Kind....Always!

As most of you know this blog was originally created to share my journey of divorce and God's grace in that process. I am currently 6 years post divorce at this point. And, while I still must deal with constant struggles and battles the frequency has been reduced for which I am grateful. Life continues on whether the divorce battle is present or not and I have experienced a whole lot of life in the past couple of years. There have been many wonderful, absolutely amazing moments. And, there have been some horrific and tragic ones as well. Isn't it this way for many?

So, what is our true purpose here on earth? Are we here to run this American rat race that exists today going 90 to nothing trying to accomplish everything? Do we strive to be the best that we can be in our field of expertise to the extend that it takes away from our friends and family? Do we give unto our kiddos all of our time and energy to the point that we have nothing left for ourselves? What is our true purpose?

In this past year, I have been learning and growing in ways I never expected! After surviving a horrific tragedy, my life has changed in ways that may be hard to explain in words. But, much to other's most likely surprise it has been in good ways! I have learned that life is far more than accomplishing "my desires". Life is about living for God....period!

Let me say that is about living for God....period! I have reached a place in which I want to slow down. And, by slowing down I don't mean just a little but tremendously. Is that possible for us....a single mom with 3 kiddos that love to participate in life? It's not easy. And, it may not happen in the way that I imagine but I know that this is what is on my heart. And, why you ask?

Because God wants more time with me and in my busy, busy life chasing down one thing after another I put Him on the back burner. That's not okay and it took a tragedy for me to see this behavior in it's fullness. God wants our relationship to be first in all things. He wants me to lean on Him 24/7, to share my life with Him, to listen to Him, to spend my time with Him. And, He is worthy of this time!

So, in preparation for next year, I have sat down with my kiddos and we are looking at what we can say NO too. And, saying no is perfectly okay. While cutting back may be a very gradual process, it is one that we are embracing as we have come to love the "family time" that it has brought into our lives. And, I have loved the one on one time with God that it has brought into my life!

I'm not quite 'healed' just yet. I'm still on that journey towards working through the tragedy but I will say that God has been a stronghold in this process and I am grateful for the path that I have taken. I have learned so much and look forward to what is ahead.

Healing is a process. And, a part of that is sharing our journey with another. I have only shared my journey with a select few but in doing so I begin to heal more and more. The more I share my story, the stronger I become. And, maybe just maybe if I ever reach a point of sharing my story with others that will help another person to grow and heal. After all, we are all relational people no matter where we are in this journey of life today.

May you each be blessed today and find the ability to slow down if only for a moment and enjoy all that is around you!

James 4:8
Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.

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