Sunday, December 2, 2012


It's been an entire month since my last!  Time flies, especially this time of year.  And, many things have happened in the past month.  So, here's a little update on the court stuff:  The huge, astronomical, overwhelming amount that the ex is proposing I pay?....The amount that should have to go before the courts with a trial to get a ruling?....Well, that's not going to happen!  In light of yet another move made by the opposing, some wording and such of the legal matters were thrown around and it is now up to 'Sir Judge Hates Me Much' to simply make her own ruling by filling in the blank on the $$$ slot and signing it to make it official.  No pressure there, eh?  I continue to sit back waiting and praying that the Lord will shine down in this process.  This Judge will no longer be here at the end of this year.  Maybe just maybe, this can and will wait for a new Judge if that is the best thing.  The news of something of this nature is not something I'm sure I really want this time of year.

And, in light of this bit of information, it is most definite at this point that the new motion made by opposing will not be heard until next year with a new Judge.  Thank you to all my mighty prayer warriors on this aspect alone.  I trust that this was the best route!  And, I continue to trust that good things will come in the days ahead.

Today is the first day of Advent and I had the privilege to hear about miracles and the need for them today.  I thought it only fitting to share some of the miracles that have been occurring in my life here recently and the ones I continue to pray about each day.

Last month we had our first major "home repair" of sorts to deal with as the main sewer line became blocked.  That there is messy business!  Bleck!  The back-up that occurred within our home was not the worst issue per say as the home owner's only covers the actual 'unblocking of the pipe' so long as the pipe is above ground level, which ours was not and in addition to this, we had a broken pipe.  Where you might ask?  It was beneath the porch....of concrete.  Oh yes!  In addition to this we needed brakes, almost immediately.  These were two major events that could not be ignored for obvious reasons and when you couple it with everyday life even without the court related stuff....well, we've all been there right?

But, miracles do happen.  The funds for the brakes were provided per an interest free loan, one that is manageable.  The funds for the sewer mess became available from God.  Literally....a man of God (one that hardly knows me) with a heart of service sent the funds....period.  Unbelievable!  I read about these things and here I am living it today.  I say from God because to see how it all played out and the was just God!  A week or so after this event transpired, I received what I thought was my first Christmas card in the mail.  It wasn't just any card was a gift.  An organization that is geared towards Homeschooler's sent us a gift of Christmas money for the kids this year.  This is their service.  And, it was totally unexpected and brought many emotionally unexplainable tears to my eyes.  How did they pick us?  Who am I to receive such blessings?  I'm just another person trying to do the next right thing.  To say I've had gratitude would be an understatement.

There are other miracles that have been traspiring as well.  Dating, is one of them.  Yep,  there was a time that I got extremely comfortable without it and thought maybe never again is not so bad.  LOL!  But, I did eventually get back out there.  And, the first couple of dates were first and last!  Wow!  There are some interesting people out there for sure.  A wise man said, "You're picker is more refined now.  It can weed out the bull."  Maybe this is true!  But, what's that saying....three's a charm?  Maybe there is some truth to that one.  The third date was a good one.  And, there have been many additional dates with Numero Tres.  It's a lot different these days to date.  Maybe due to some of that gained "wisdom", maybe the changing of the times, maybe because I'm a parent now, or likely all of the above.  But, in's been fun.  This I do call a miracle!  :)

But, this morning as I was listening to the miracles needed for others and thinking about the miracles I continue to prayer for each day this is what came to mind for me:   I have three of the most precious miracles I could ever hope for in life.  And, as a parent I watched each of my miracles face some medical issues, each kiddo a little more challenging in that venue than the next and ultimately leading to my baby being on the brink of life, fighting to sustain during the initial 24 -48 hour window while my heart was completely torn in that NICU for two weeks.  There's not a moment that goes by that I can not vividly recall sitting on the fence that Saturday with that question, "Do we go in to the clinic today or wait until Monday?" with the words of our Pediatrician ringing in my ears, "If you had waited even one day....the outcome would have been VERY different!"  My three miracles have all overcome many medical challenges.  What could have been VERY different, is a bright and funny, full of life little boy now.  These are my miracles and they are the ones that I must protect.  These are the miracles that the system won't "allow" me to protect.

So, as I was sitting there this morning listening, I was reflecting on the overall theme that has been transparent over the course of this journey....our need for miracles.  It's a different kind of miracle because it's not about a medical issue.  But, it is about the life, safety, and well being of miracles.  I have prayed just as many of my faithful prayer warriors have prayed over and over for this miracle to take place.  I want my kiddos to be safe....period!  I have prayed specific prayers, I've prayed whatever is in the best interest prayers, and I've prayed general prayers.  But, is a miracle that we are seeking.  In the depths of what seems the impossible, we need a miracle.  And, so my prayers continue.  I have not lost hope, though at times I struggle.  I know that God is still in control even when I do not understand.

May you be blessed with any miracles that you may need during this time as well!  I love this time of year!  And, I love all of my faithful friends and family that have helped me to stand strong through it all!

Psalm 77:11
I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.

Psalm 77:14
You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.

Psalm 105:5
Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he pronounced.


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