Monday, October 20, 2014

When Hope Seems Lost....

I'm looking at my last blog entry and it's hard to believe it's been nearly a year.  Where has the time gone?  In some ways this year has flown by and in others it has been the snail pace.

It pains me to say we are still in a holding pattern!  After all this time, all this pain, all the kiddos continued sufferings....we are still in holding just waiting for the right time and the right circumstances.  It doesn't seem fair to say the least.

Why should they have to continue suffering in the midst of chaos simply because our system is so warped and broken?  I do not understand this at all!

And, yet I'm reminded of this passage in 1 Peter 1:7 that says, "These trials are only to test your faith, to show that it is strong and pure.  It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold-and your faith is far more precious to God than mere gold.  So if you faith remains strong after being tried by fiery trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world."

I admit that I felt a little bit of hope dissipate today with some news I received and I had to sit with it for a while before I could even move forward.  But, somewhere deep down I still feel that things will work out in time.  I hate to ponder that the time will last much longer.  It seems that it has been far too long even now but I know that God is in control and He has a plan.  I have to remind myself to trust in this process.

So, for now I ask for your prayers dear friends.  Pray for that truth to be revealed and for protection to reign over us all as we trust in Him.  

2 Corinthians 1:3-7  All praise to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.  He is the source of every mercy and the God who comforts us.  He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others.  When others are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.  You can be sure that the more we suffer for Christ, the more God will shower us with his comfort through Christ.  So when we are weighed down with troubles, it is for your benefit and salvation!  For when God comforts us, it is so that we, in turn, can be an encouragement for you.  Then you can patiently endure the same things we suffer.  We are confident that as you share in suffering, you will also share God's comfort.

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